Video banned on youtube. MMS/Chlorine Dioxide cured toothache

10 months ago

The dentist told my mother that she would need surgery for her toothache. The surgery would cost her 3,000 dollars. A couple of times of doing MMS, the problem was solved forever. 7 years later, no tooth problem.

The formula is: 10 drops of MMS and 10 drops of Activator to every 30 cc/ml or 1oz.
To prepare a 120cc/ml 4oz bottle:
Mix 40 drops of Cleansing Water, (MMS1), with 40 drops of 4 - 5% solution HCL or 50% citric acid wait 20 -30 seconds or until dark yellow or brown color then add 120 cc/ml of water.
Note: If the activated solution isn’t changing a dark color within 30 secs. then you probably have weak MMS or Activator.
This may be sprayed on any part of the body. If it gets in your eyes when you spray your face, it is okay, but splash a little clear water in the area to prevent a burning sensation. When the color gets light, it is losing its strength - make up a new bottle. It has a multitude of uses - spray in your hair to correct dandruff, as a deodorant and to treat athlete’s foot. Try it on skin problems and use for hygiene of the mouth.
MMS spray bottles can last for up to a couple of weeks without losing much strength - that all depends on how you store it. In the fridge or a cupboard where there is no sunlight, it can maintain its strength for longer periods of time.

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