Bésame Mucho ベサメムーチョ (Cover)

11 months ago

This month's song " Bésame Mucho" is Unsuku Ke’s 13th single released in Japan. She is a Korean female singer, who made her debut as an idol singer in Korea in 1979, came to Japan in 1984, and made her debut in Japan in 1985 with "Osaka Boshoku- Osaka Twilight." A woman's heart swaying with love like a leaf floating on a river is expressed with the rich bass of her unique husky voice. There are many fans not only in Korea but also in Japan who are fascinated by her voice. "Bésame Mucho" means "kiss me a lot" in Spanish. A passionate Latin-style melody expresses the heart of a woman who is at the mercy of overflowing love. Would you like to listen to Unsuku Ke's many hit songs in Japan and Korea?

今月の曲「ベサメムーチョ」は、桂銀淑が日本で発表した13枚目のシングル曲です。昭和54(1979)年に韓国でアイドル歌手としてデビュー、昭和59(1984)年に来日、昭和60(1985)年「大阪暮色」で日本デビューした韓国人女性歌手 桂銀淑。小川に浮かぶ一片の葉のように揺れる女心を豊かな低音域で表現するハスキーボイスが特徴的。その声に魅了されるファンは、韓国のみならず日本にも多くいます。「ベサメムーチョ」とはスペイン語で「いっぱいキスして」という意味。溢れ出る愛に翻弄される女心をラテン調の情熱的なメロディで表現しています。日韓で数多くある桂銀淑のヒット曲を一度聞いてみませんか?

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