Death Of Foreigner Aid Workers

11 months ago

Seven Foreigner aid workers, all from western nations of the #WorldCentralKitchen were killed providing relief in #Gaza by #Israel. It was not a mistake, but a systematic and deliberate attack on the convoy, and their apologies are far from appropriate. These killings show #America and Israel's double standards over deaths of the #Palestinian people.
There will be no consequences or actions against America or Israel of these #Horrible #Murders. More than 32,000 innocent people have been #Slaughtered and thousands more wounded from this six-month-old #War in #Palestine. The White House and #GenocideJoe approved more bombs to Israel on the day the aid workers were killed. No assessment of their death, just business as usual. The #AmericanGovernment needs to rein in Israels harms to the Palestinian people and their land.

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