Janet Yellen: I Laid Out Three Goals for the U.S.-China Economic Relationship This Year

11 months ago

04/05/2024 Janet Yellen Speaks to the American Business Community in Guangzhou, China: I laid out three goals for the U.S.-China economic relationship this year. First, continue to manage the U.S. China bilateral economic relationship to a more resilient one. Second, urge China to clarify its economic policies. Finally, accelerate our work with China on certain areas. I hope to make progress on them during this trip.
04/05/2024 耶伦在广州与美国商会会谈:我为今年的美中经济关系制定了三个目标。第一:继续推动美中双边经济关系朝着更具韧性的方向发展;其次:敦促中方明确其经济政策;最后:加快与中方在某些领域的合作。我希望此次访华之行能在这些方面取得进展。

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