Rebekah Barnett & Kate Mason on The Chris Smith Show - 05 April 2024

11 months ago

On today's show, Rebekah Barnett discusses COVID tyranny. Later, Kate Mason discusses UN Sustainable Development Goals and Digital ID.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Rebekah Barnett is an independent journalist from Western Australia. She writes for her Substack, Dystopian Down Under, and advocates for Australians injured by the COVID vaccines. Instagram: @dystopiandownunder
X: @dystopian_DU

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Kate Mason has an extensive background in welfare and community development. She has spent the last three years getting up to speed with the global narratives which are shepherding us into a dystopian world of surveillance; where humans, the environment, where we live, what we eat, our genetic code etc. are all being razed to the ground so we can be "built back better". Kate is a member of Community Voice Australia, which advocates for government and public private partnership transparency.

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