Making the Choice for Joy

10 months ago

April 29 - Making the Choice for Joy
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In every moment, the choice between joy and judgment is ours to make, thanks to free will. We have the ultimate power and responsibility to make our day, and thus our life, brighter, more joyful and peaceful — or darker, more judgmental and chaotic. Our day starts off as a blank canvas, with many brushes in front of us to choose from. Two such brushes are joy and judgment. In each moment, we choose which brush to use. When we choose to pick up the brush of joy, our canvas becomes an expression of the love that is our true essence and nature. When we choose to pick up the brush of judgment, we reap the darkness that our choice sows. This is not done as a form of punishment, but to help us better understand how our choices are coloring our experiences.

Today, let us recall that, in every moment, God’s gift of free will gives us the right and ability to begin anew. In any moment, we can choose joy over judgment and thus peace over pain. Today, if you find yourself aligned with the ego’s judgment-centered mindset, do not put yourself or others down. Instead, use it as an opportunity to practice using free will to align your mind with your loving essence and nature. The life you desire to create is always just a choice away. The brushes of forgiveness, peace and joy, as expressions of Love, are available for you to choose from in every moment. You make the final choice of which brushes to pick up and use, and thus what kind of day you will create and experience. Breathe deeply, choose wisely and create the kind of world that you would love for your children to inherit.
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