Little Girl Helps Mom Clean With Some Spit Shine

6 years ago

There is a part of us as parents that want our kids to help us clean the house, especially their messes. However, sometimes they do it so wrong that you never actually want them to help.

This little girl already has an eye for what’s dirty and needs cleaning…

Alright, so we realize that this little girl sees a mirror that is dirty. Good for her. Knowing that something needs to be cleaned is the first step in helping to actually clean things. Of course, her methodology could use some work. Namely, not using spit and instead maybe going for some vinegar or Windex. Also, she needs elbow grease in her work flow. One swipe in one area of the mirror just is not going to do it. Still, it is a nice first start. So, with all of that in mind here are some facts that we learned about spit while looking up whether or not you can actually clean with spit. The answer is: shrug?

But her method of cleaning things is…Oh my! They should work on that!

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