Delicious Oven-Baked Steak and Heavenly Rice, Getting Ready for Puppies, Inspirational Thought

10 months ago

What's for supper? Delicious Steak and Heavenly Rice - so easy and yummy and baked in the oven. A vegetable chopper is a handy gadget - here's the link - and also the link for the Gardening Video - We are preparing for Juliana's big day. It will be delightful to have puppies to love on again.

Steak and Heavenly Rice
6 - 8 pieces of steak (round steak is what we used)
2 cups water
2 cups beef broth
2 cups diced celery
1 cup chopped onion
1 package dry onion soup mix
2 cups long grain rice

Pound the steak with a mallet.
Marinate in soy sauce for several hours.
Brown and season the steak.

Layer ingredients into a greased casserole dish in the order they are listed
Steak on the bottom, etc.
Cover with foil.
Bake 350* Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until rice is done.
Dish up and enjoy!

Link to the book we wrote about Buddy-
"Celebrating Sixty-Plus Years of Being a Twin to a Special Needs Brother "-
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