Day 58 Sobriety: Rediscovering Beauty - Reacting to Ren & Sam Tompkins' Melodies @RenMakesMusic

10 months ago

@SamTompkinsUK @RenMakesMusic

On Day 58 of my sobriety journey, I'm sharing my heart as I react to the soul-stirring renditions of 'Walking On The Moon / No Diggity' by Ren & Sam Tompkins. Today's reflection dives into the newfound appreciation I have for life's simple beauties—flowers blossoming, animals in their grace, and the genuine smiles of people around me. It feels as if the world has always been offering these smiles, yet it's only now, in this state of clarity and recovery, that I'm truly receptive to them.

This journey of sobriety has been a testament to resilience, a path of learning from each stumble and rising stronger with every step forward. I'm proud of embarking once more on this road to recovery, embracing the lessons learned from past attempts. With every passing day, I find myself gaining strength—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Eating well, sleeping soundly, and nurturing my body back to its fullest potential are now my daily norms.

Join me as I delve into the transformative power of music with Ren & Sam Tompkins, celebrating the milestones of recovery and the life I'm actively shaping—one where I no longer seek escape, but rather, one I don't need a holiday from.
#sobrietyjourney #reactionvideo #soberlife #recoveryjourney #renmakesmusic #samtompkins

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