Senator Ron Johnson on Covid vaccine.

6 months ago

"My eyes have been opened over the last several years as I became aware of certain facts that have largely been suppressed as well as policies pushed by the elite that made no sense to me and were contrary to the common good. 2 weeks ago, I received an email with an all too common story of heartbreak and despair. It's from a young man whose 36 year old wife's periods stopped within a couple of weeks of receiving her second COVID vaccine. They were recently married and planned on having children. I recommended they contact the frontline COVID 19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCC, one of the few groups of doctors attempting to treat vaccine injuries.
Let me quote from his last email to me. Quote, we had already gotten COVID in February 2020. Alas, unless they can bring her ovaries back to life, I'm not sure doctor Kory can help. It breaks my heart. She chose career, got the the baby family bug, and now she can't have children. She cries all the time. Apologize to me like it's her fault. Someone needs to make them pay, and we need safeguards so that this doesn't happen again, unquote. That pretty well sums up the purpose of today's public event, exposing the truth of what happened and holding people accountable so we can prevent a travesty like this from ever happening again. Now I'm sure the response from the COVID cartel will be something like, quote, senator, fertility problems in 36 year old women are very common, unquote.
Just like former NIH director Frances Collins Collins told me when I asked about all the deaths being reported on VAERS, quote, senator, people die, unquote. The fact that both of these statements are as true as they are callous highlights the challenge we face in exposing the truth. On Thursday, February 15th, the House Select Committee on the coronavirus pandemic held a public hearing on the COVID vaccine. The subcommittee was not on what I would consider a fact finding mission. Instead, its purpose appeared to be rehabilitating federal health agencies that have lost the trust of many Americans and reinforcing the mantras that the vaccines are safe and effective.
Vaccine injuries are rare. The benefits outweigh the risk and that the science is clear and overwhelming. And anyone challenging this narrative is an is an anti science conspiracy theorist. In other words, second opinions are not allowed. To me, this attitude is the antithesis of science.
True scientific inquiry starts with skepticism, challenging what we think we know but might not be so. I believe the growing corruption of science, scientific research, medical journals, federal health agencies, and as a result, the practice of medicine has been exposed in the failed response to the pandemic. To repair the the damage that has been done, we must honestly and relentlessly pursue the truth"

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