10 months ago

Trump, Epstein and Gates were good buddies who liked young girls.

The mainstream media is totally controlled, just as both republican and democrat parties were protecting Trump all along.

They could have buried him and there is tons more stuff they could have got him on – Trump is a life long criminal, they could have spent 24 hours a day going through his past. But they didn’t because Trump was chosen by the Cabal heads to play the good guy for 3 years and during the confusion and chaos of year 4 he would use his charm while he committed genocidal acts on humanity and the media of course would distract what was really going on and focus at something minor to bash Trump with.

Year 4 was a PSYOP.

Trump is a pedophile. Who says “if she wasn’t my daughter I’d be dating her?”

Who has a never ending line of lawsuits all his life?

Who said: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” Trump.

How many Women are on record of accusing Donald Trump of Sexual Assault? 15

Yeah, but he is wealthy.

There are a lot of wealthy people who don’t get accused of RAPE.

Look at the ages mentioned on the video – Ages 13, 12, 10, 12, 11, 13, 11.

Those ages sound very similar to how Teal Swan says the Satanic Pedophiles desire, that is right at the age of getting too old.

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If the Censorship sites controlled by the Cabal wanted to go after Trump they wouldn’t defend him on the accusations of young girls. Just do a google search and look at the all the deep state sites defending Trump – Snopes, Polifact, all defending Trump.

Even Trump’s Ex-Wife Ivanna accused Donald of Raping her and violently assaulting her.

Jill Harth, 34 year old accused Trump of sexually assault and attempted rape.

Who said: "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything." Donald Trump said this to Billy Bush and a lot more.

Who said: “My Daughter’s six feet tall and has the best body?” The Donald.

Who said: “If she wasn’t my daughter, I’d be dating her?” DJT

Young Girls who accused Trump of RAPE:

Katy Johnson
Kelly Feuer
Michael Parker
Maria Olivera
Charles Bacon
Rebecca Conway
Kevin Noll

(1) Michael Parker, 10-years old, oral rape, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1992. Trump paid his parents a $3 million settlement.

(2) Kelly Feuer, 12-years old, $1 million settlement paid in 1989, allegations of forced intercourse, Trump Tower, NY, NY.

(3) Charles Bacon, 11-years old, $3 million, allegations of oral and anal intercourse, 1994, Trump Tower, NY, NY.

(4) Rebecca Conway, 13-years old, intercourse and oral sex. Trump Vineyard Estates, Charlottesville, VA, 2012, $5 million settlement.

(5) Maria Olivera, 12-years old. Her family was paid $16 million to settle allegations of forcible intercourse occurring in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1993.

(6) Kevin Noll, 11-years old, anal rape, Trump Tower, NY, NY. 1998. Settlement details unknown.

It says on the bottom of the image on the video: In Court Trump was diagnosed as #65.4 “Pedophilic Disorder” from DSM-5 Diagnostic & Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders.

As with all the Cabal’s selections for presidents, they do a good job of deleting everything that could obstruct their agenda.

Then there is Stephanie Clifford, aka porn actress "Stormy Daniels," and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, Cohen reportedly helped settle a number of rape cases involving Trump.

See these two Videos Next:

1. Trump & Billy Bush – Trump says “Grab em by the Pussy...You can do Anything” “I did try to F*ck Her”

2. ***Trump – Obsessed with his Daughter Ivanka – “If I weren’t Happily Married and her Father”



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END. 4/12/2024 – 6:00 PM

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