CTP (S1E42, 20240406) Voter-ID (Details matter) BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

10 months ago

CTP S1E42 NOTES ( listen (Apr 6 2024 and thereafter) at:
https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/14838145-christitutionalist-politics-s1e42-voter-id-devil-in-details )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"
Voter-ID (Devil in Details, and there are some very important details that many leave out surrounding the discussion). How Left is already skirting real effectiveness of Voter-ID Laws providing FREE ID to all (no proof who they are) and automatically signing up ILLEGAL VOTERS onto QVF's of States via Clinton "Motor-Voter Act" (officially: The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA)) while blocking via Liberal Activist Courts MVA requirements to clean QVF's of improper Voters (Dead, Non-Residents, Felons, etc.) on Rolls (as RNC now (just days after this Show Recorded in March for April broadcast) filed suit vs MI-SOS) so those Ballots available to be Cast (disenfranchising legit Votes and Voters by negating Legal Votes). Shifting Elections by (disenfranchising/subvert legal/legit Votes/Voters with (Illegal Votes/Voters doesn't require "wide-spread Fraud" to change District and/or some States' outcomes (and control of Congress or the White House (2020 POTUS ultimately just decided by 44,000 Votes across 5 States)) just minor manipulations here-and-there in Blue enclaves.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Show for Episode related addl info
Transcript Bonus: SCOTUS Cowardice - TX v BattleGround States piece

Episode related pieces...
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/voter-id-devil-is-in-the-details/
- https://beforeitsnews.com/u-s-politics/2024/03/voter-id-devil-is-in-the-details-2611778.html
- New RNC Leadership File Lawsuit vs MI-SOS: https://www.gop.com/press-release/rnc-files-voter-roll-maintenance-lawsuit-against-michigan-secretary-of-state/
- https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/the-party-of-know/
- https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2024/03/famous-quotes-3809796.html
- https://tinyurl.com/Election2020ReExamined
- https://tinyurl.com/FascicratsVoterFraud
- https://tinyurl.com/VotingReform2008
- https://tinyurl.com/ElectionFraud2020Detailed
- https://tinyurl.com/SCOTUSCowardice
- https://tinyurl.com/DemElectorsObjectors
- "How to Steal an Election in 5 easy steps" by Ed Bonderenka in http://tinyurl.com/W12Newsletter2021-3

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)
- CTP: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist
- CTP long-form description: tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalistPodcast
- TLB articles: thelibertybeacon.com/?s=Joseph+M+Lenard
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- Transcription Services by: Converter.App
- Joseph M Lenard - linktr.ee/jlenarddetroit (JosephMLenard.us /\ TerrorStrikes.info/interviews)
(CTP S1E42 Audio: 36m 01s, Sat Apr 6 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...
YouTube: youtube.com/@jlenarddetroit1082/videos
Rumble: rumble.com/user/JLenardDetroit

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout (tinyurl.com/ChristiTutionalist)) for addl bonus material there-in.

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