Ep. 51 The One When They Finally Talk About FRIENDS(tv series) What It Means To Us . Part 2

10 months ago

Premiered on Apr 6, 2024
Meet Us In The Man-Cave Season Two Ep. 21 (Youtube)

/ @meetusintheman-cave
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Ep. 51 The One When They Finally Talk About FRIENDS(tv series) What It Means To Us . Part 2

In this episode, the hosts discuss the impact and significance of the TV show Friends. They share their personal connections to the show and how it has brought comfort and joy to their lives. The cast and characters are praised for their relatability and the chemistry they brought to the screen. The collaborative process behind the show's success is also highlighted. The hosts reflect on their favorite moments and quotes from the show and discuss the loss of Matthew Perry. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of friendship and learning from personal mistakes. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss their love for the TV series Friends and share their favorite characters. They express their appreciation for the impact the show has had on their lives and reminisce about memorable moments and episodes. They also imagine what it would be like to have the cast of Friends as guests on their podcast. The hosts discuss the excitement of Friends premieres and the importance of watching the show in its entirety, including the full episodes and original soundtrack. In this conversation, the hosts discuss the last episodes of TV series and specifically focus on the last episode of Friends. They share their thoughts and feelings about the ending of Friends and the impact it had on them. They also talk about visiting the Friends set and the emotional connection they have with the show. The conversation concludes with a discussion about creating a Friends reunion and the challenges that come with it.

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Meet Us In The Man-Cave' is pretty simple. Two guys discussing horror-related topics. You know, horror movies, horror collectibles, and the horror fan themselves. We also talk about cars, our love for music, and good ol' random sh!t. Join us, Christopher Webb, And Scott Kennard down in our man caves every Thursday as we reminisce about our passions in life. Available to stream or download so can listen to all you want, whenever you want.

For more information. Go to, meetusinthemancave.podbean.com

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