"Bulldog Is Sitting on A Bed and Barks at Shadow Puppet"

6 years ago

"If you have ever tried to entertain a baby with shadow puppets, you know how much fun that is! But, have you tried that with your dog? According to this video, it can be hilarious, and you simply have to check it out! And if you like it, make sure to try it out with your pets. This clip shows a beautiful bulldog who is sitting on a bed while his human friend is entertaining him with a shadow puppet on a wall. At first, this puppet looks like a rabbit with long ears, but then this rabbit starts to bark! So, that must be a dog. But then the barking mutates into some other strange sound, and it all gets pretty confusing on what that shadow puppet is supposed to be. But that doesn’t seem to bother this lovely chubby dog. He likes it anyway, and I bet he could go on like this for hours!"

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