PizzaGate: EXPOSED Documentory

11 months ago

The full and complete truth about “PizzaGate”.

But, to do that, you need to know the big picture and we deliver like no one else dares to!

How is it that policies never change from President to President, even when they’re supposed to be opposing Parties?
Were the Reagan years really what “Conservatives” wanted and got? What really happened and why?
Has Ronald Reagan been re-written into something he wasn’t? By whom and why?
The truth behind groups you’ve all heard of; the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, Skull and Bones, etc.
Was there any truth to the “Red Scare” of the 1950’s? How did the Soviet Union gain so much influence?
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What was “Iran/Contra” really about?
Republicans have not only failed to repeal the “Affordable Healthcare Act”, a.k.a. “ObamaCare”, they’ve protected it? Why?
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What’s the truth about “Islamic jihad” and the “Global War on Terror”?
Did Americans really have a “choice” between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton?
What is “PizzaGate” and why has it been relegated to the realm of “just another ‘October Surprise’”?
It’s “us” verses “them” and “they” have turned you into a slave by corruption and conspiracy on a shocking level.
If the “conspiracy” is big enough to cover everything from the moon landing to the assassination of John F. Kennedy to 9/11, how do “they” keep it secret?
All major media from “Snopes” to the Washington Post mock the idea of systemic child sex slave trafficking. But what do the facts tell us?
Who are John and Tony Podesta?
The truth behind the “Flynn/Russia scandal”. The FBI “investigated” yet no-one was charged. Why?

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