The Dark Side of Driving My DUI Story & Life After Losing the Car

10 months ago

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I mean the state of Alabama was pretty pissed you know They were But I mean I never started driving again and I just adjusted made a life out of it never thought about it until one of my buddies brought it up He was like Derek I gotta tell you man I think about it all the time you're the only person I've ever met that got a DUI gave up the vehicle He was like everybody I've ever met gave up the booze man And in hindsight he's so right I can remember looking back I remember thinking it's not Jim Beam's fault This damn Camry's bad luck I can't drive anywhere without him It's like man all my buddies they're in Subarus making it home I don't know Listen I just talk about things that are on my heart you know I'm a nineties kid you know Born in the eighties Some people don't understand that They think if they were born in ninety-three they're a nineties kid You're a dumbass You gotta be born in the eighties to be a nineties kid You don't remember Nickelodeon like we do And let me tell you I was thinking about this the other day There's something that we had in the nineties that they took from us that they should bring back

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