The Polar Vortex has been REVERSED, Fox News warns of earthquake on 4-8-2024, Solar Eclipse update

8 months ago

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Most of the "news" I was seeing has to do with the Solar Eclipse happening Monday, April 8, 2024 so I figured, why not make another video about it, again 🤪

Someone talks about the Eclipse really being the Black Sun aka a Portal to the "VOID" and laughs about nasa sending rockets into it 😧

NatureGirl on X shared a video from we_the_people_news on TikTok about the Polar Vortex being reversed from weather manipulation 🥶

Fox News warns about the earthquake that's going to happen during the Eclipse, do "they" know something the rest of Us don't 🤔

savage daughter on X shared a video from dead_hidden on TikTok that goes into a "deep dive" about the upcoming Solar Eclipse, a lot of good "stuff" here, well worth watching 😎

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