KingCobraJFS Apr 4, 2024 "drink combo"

10 months ago

On this day, King Cobra introduces viewers to his unique concoction, the "Hillbilly Martini," which he creates using specialty martini glasses he purchased on sale. The drink is a mix of Saddle Bron Black Tooth Brewing Company Brown Ale Beer and a shot of Old Smokey Tennessee Moonshine, which is 100 proof and 50% alcohol by volume. King Cobra emphasizes that this moonshine is a legal, novelty version rather than traditional homemade moonshine. After combining the moonshine with the beer, he presents the finished drink, noting its blend of sweetness and burn. The sweetness of the moonshine complements the beer's flavor, while the beer helps to soften the moonshine's burn, making the Hillbilly Martini an intriguing and potentially enjoyable drink for his viewers.
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