I'm Not Woke: Fetterman Surprises Again And Democrats Are Mad … Again

11 months ago

He's done it again. John Fetterman refused to toe the line for today's extreme Democrat Party. Make no mistake, Fetterman is still a Democrat. He's just a bit more like the Democrats were before their party went completely insane. Sen. John Fetterman blasts squatters, violent crime: ‘I am not woke.’ He's still going to support Joe Biden and you still wouldn't want to vote for the guy, but at least he hasn't gone insane on some very difficult issues facing our nation. In the year of our collective nightmare 2024, John Fetterman has distinguished himself from modern national leftists by taking such bold positions as: 1) Jews shouldn't be murdered. 2) Violent crime is bad. 3) You shouldn't steal homes. -- Ok, not that difficult. It really is amazing, isn't it? Fetterman continues to take heat from the Left for holding reasonable positions on things that shouldn't be debatable, but the Democrat Party has been overrun by wackos.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKhMHxtWUAAn0y-?format=jpg&name=large -- Why does this keep happening? LOL. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKhQUBGXUAAc-dA?format=jpg&name=medium -- Every. Damn. Time. And it keeps happening. He goes into a mental hospital a Democrat and comes out a Republican. 😂 We should sign up more Democrats. It'll be like rehab for crazy leftists. As we said above, he's not a Republican. It just feels that way because the other Democrats want you to pay off other people's loans, have essentially legalized shoplifting, and support having boys in your daughter's locker room.

Twitchy: I'm Not Woke: Fetterman Surprises Again and Democrats Are Mad … Again
New York Post: Sen. John Fetterman blasts squatters, violent crime: ‘I am not woke’

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