President Joe Biden Recalls Having A Very Close Relationship With The Greek Church

10 months ago

As we all know, President Joe Biden will say anything to pander to his audience. As we reported earlier, he visited the site of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse and noted that the Biden family went way back in that bay, back in the mid-1800s. He also let the families of those who were killed in the bridge collapse that he, too, knows what it's like to lose a child (though he didn't specify if Beau had died in Iraq this time — these weren't military families. We know from his visit to Puerto Rico that Biden was "sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community" back in Scranton. He's also a devout Catholic who attended a black church regularly and worked with his fellow congregants on civil rights."I got raised in the black church," Biden told the Rainbow PUSH coalition. ("Not a joke!") This week, the White House observed Greek Independence Day with Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. Not surprisingly, Biden shared with the audience how he'd had a very close relationship with the Greek Church.

Biden: "One of the things that I learned early on was that I had a very close relationship with the Greek American community — for real! In the heart, and, I mean, real! In the church there, as well! And I think, if there were — I forget the exact number of votes, but I think every Greek American in Delaware voted for me because they — (laughter) — no, no, no, no, no — (applause). By the way, as some of the Delawareans would tell you, that’s where I acquired a nickname I’m very proud of: I am Joe “Biden-opoulos.” (Laughter and applause.) That’s the nickname I got." -- Joe Bidenopoulos. Right. How many different communities and churches did he grow up in at this point? So he’s a Catholic AME Jewish Greek Orthodox? Apparently, his childhood was one of nonstop multiculturalism, as he frequented an endless string of communities and houses of worship. At this juncture, are there any left to be claimed? 😆

We have learned that whenever Biden uses words like, “for real”, or “I’m not kidding—you think I’m kidding, I’m not”, he is lying. I suppose he continues to believe someone is buying into his fanciful tales. "For real" and "I'm not making this up" and "this is no joke" and "I mean this, sincerely" are his tells. Delaware is the melting pot of the world I guess. "If you're Greek and vote for the other guy, you're a malaka." Next week, he'll throw a rug down and start praying to know, like he did as a child. He's always had a very close relationship with the Muslim community, remember. Biden was a member of every community, his upbringing was that diverse.

Twitchy: President Joe Biden Recalls Having a Very Close Relationship With the Greek Church

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