Q Allaiance Australia Setting 3Days of Darkness

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This stream contains the information necessary to reset your frequency to 10000HZ with Harmonic frequencies that carry through your homespace, and body. This will also reset frequencies of water bodies, land and anything animate or inanimate through the intense Harmonic pulses of energy it delivers. Please do not use these methods on any other frequency recording you may find elsewhere. The intention was set for concious persons with heartbrain coherence and knowledge of this method only to uptake on these methods and usage. This has been delivered by Master Energy Worker CMDR Haimana ov Gaia Light Force Strategic Command, myself, holder of the light codes, and commander of the frequencies. This is now the time this information is taken from behind the veil and shared with the world. don't play with fire, you will get burnt, and dont ride the lighting of the universe on your fluffy rainbow unicorn. It's time to get the light of Christ in your hearts people. Yes it is me, the big mouth fisherovmen, from 4 years ago, name cleared, still under oath, and serving the people. Newman and Lava, don't bother coming in here, your friends and both of you need to regenerate your karma. the frequencies that go with this will be sent to those who join us at Gaia Light Force to being forth the protection you will need in the next few days. make sure you email your reciepts and phone number so we can add you to the ZOOM Meeting list.

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