#疫苗灾难:20240405🎙️《你是声音》第25集 - 伊恩·布莱思霍普教授 《 腐败世界中的自然希望与勇气》(中英双语机器字幕)

10 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20240405🎙️《你是声音》第25集 - 伊恩·布莱思霍普教授 《 腐败世界中的自然希望与勇气》(中英双语机器字幕)
@VirusFighterVi1 @YoureTheVoiceEF
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-- 章节 --
00:00 - 本集内容介绍
00:50 - 介绍及伊恩的背景
03:00 - 早期医学生涯及对传统医学的失望
04:30 - 医学的替代方法
11:20 - 用营养医学治疗HIV/AIDS,尤其是静脉注射维生素C
19:20 - 澳大利亚对COVID-19的反应
22:20 - COVID-19调查和对皇家委员会的需求
28:30 - 医疗行业的腐败和大型制药公司的影响
36:20 - COVID-19措施和封锁的影响
39:20 - 福奇、AZT和HIV AIDS
40:40 - 澳大利亚的计划疫情效应和经济损害
43:10 - 中枢神经系统中的毒素
45:00 - 儿童疫苗
49:40 - 使用大麻进行治疗
59:20 - 基因操纵和工程
1:04:10 - 蘑菇的力量
1:12:10 - 人类的进化和希望的信息
1:19:00 - 揭示真相
1:21:00 - 关注伊恩和他的工作

"Natural Hope & Courage In A Corrupt World"
🎙️You're The Voice Ep. 25 - Prof. Ian Brighthope @VirusFighterVi1 @YoureTheVoiceEF
► Apologies for the grainy video quality, feel free to listen to audio only - all links in the next tweet.
My guest today is Professor Ian Brighthope, award winning therapist and physician with 49 years of practice, an academic, an agricultural scientist and a specialist in nutritional, herbal and environmental medicine. Ian founded or led clinics, schools, councils & initiatives of integrative and natural medicine for the past 45 years.
In this episode, Ian shares his journey, his frustration with conventional medicine, and his exploration of alternative approaches. He shares his historical success in treating HIV/AIDS patients with nutritional medicine and the challenges he faced during that time, vs. the challenges during Covid. He criticizes governments and globalists that led the Covid-19 agenda, discusses the influence of Big Pharma on the medical industry, and the long-term damages of lockdowns. He also touches on vaxx-injuries, the health risks of the jabs as well as childhood vaccines.
This episode is also full of hope and solutions, covering cannabis & psilocybin for treatments, and the paths humanity can choose to walk in.
Ian believes health is about making people healthy, not just treating the sick.
►► If you got value, please like, comment, share & follow/subscribe. Thank you!
00:00 - Coming Up in This Episode
00:50 - Introduction & Ian’s Background
03:00 - Early Medical Career & Frustration with Conventional Medicine
04:30 - Alternative Approaches to Medicine
11:20 - Treating HIV/AIDS with Nutritional Medicine, Especially Intravenous Vitamin C
19:20 - Australia's Reaction to COVID-19
22:20 - COVID-19 Inquiry & the Need for a Royal Commission
28:30 - Corruption in the Medical Industry & the Influence of Big Pharma
36:20 - Impact of COVID-19 Measures & Lockdowns
39:20 - Fauci, AZT & HIV AIDS
40:40 - Australia’s Plandemic Effects & Economic Damage
43:10 - Toxics in the Central Nervous System
45:00 - Childhood Vaccines
49:40 - Treatments Using Cannabis
59:20 - Genetic Manipulations & Engineering
1:04:10 - The Power of Psilocybin
1:12:10 - Humanity Evolving & A Message of Hope
1:19:00 - Revealing the Truth
1:21:00 - Follow Ian & His Work

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