Lord's Prayer in Aramaic

11 months ago

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Lord's Prayer in Aramaic

While Jesus likely spoke a few languages, including Hebrew and Greek, he spoke with his disciples and delivered his sermons in Aramaic. Scholars have come to a consensus that this ancient dialect was the primary language of Jews living in Palestine during the first century. Looking at the two appearances of the Lord’s Prayer in the New Testament (Luke’s and Matthew’s Gospels), scholars have found that the translations lead us back to Aramaic. In the first century, this prayer was delivered by Christ for everyone — not just people who were educated in Greek or Hebrew. The Lord’s Prayer is for everyone — anytime, anywhere. Praying the Lord’s Prayer in its original language offers a special opportunity to remove ourselves from the modern world. Through prayer, we can better appreciate the beauty of Christ’s words from the first century. Often, when we read or listen to a prayer we aren’t as familiar with, it helps us meditate on it in a new way. By praying the Lord’s Prayer in its original language, we might find a new way of connecting with Christ in our daily meditations.
Video-source: https://youtu.be/vAU2uOBM2pY

Confession and Communion

Canon of Preparation for Holy Communion - http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/prayerbook/cancomu.htm
Preparatory Prayers for Holy Communion - http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/prayerbook/praycomu.htm
Self Examination Before Confession - https://antiochian.org/regulararticle/602
Prayers After Confession - https://antiochian.org/regulararticle/603


English Channel – Theology and Contemporary Issues

Ancient Faith - https://www.youtube.com/@AncientFaithMinistries/videos
Patristic Nectar Films - https://www.youtube.com/@PatristicNectarFilms/videos
Patristix - https://www.youtube.com/@Patristix/videos
Annunciation GOC- Church Rochester - NY - https://www.youtube.com/@annunciationorthodox/videos
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders - https://www.youtube.com/@otelders/videos
Orthodox Prayers (videos) - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxchristianprayers/videos
Orthodox Prayers (text) - http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/prayerbook/main.htm
Orthodox Prayers (all occasions, text) - https://www.goarch.org/chapel/prayers
Fr. Spyridon Bailey (ROCOR) - https://www.youtube.com/@FatherSpyridonROCOR/videos
Fr. Abott Tryphon ROCOR, Canada - https://www.youtube.com/@vashonmonks/videos
Mull Monastery [Scotland] - https://www.youtube.com/@mullmonastery
Roots of Orthodoxy - https://www.youtube.com/@RootsofOrthodoxy
Protecting Veil (Theologians)- https://www.youtube.com/@ProtectingVeil/videos
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders - https://www.youtube.com/@otelders/videos
Orthodox Wisdom - https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxWisdom/videos
Cinematic Orthodoxy - https://www.youtube.com/@CinematicOrthodoxy/videos
Orthodox Church (mostly hymns) - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxchurch7466/videos
The Orthodox Ethos - https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxEthos/videos
Theoria - https://www.youtube.com/@Theoria/videos
Bible Stories - https://www.youtube.com/@BibleStories.official/videos
Orthodox Exchange - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxexchange/videos
Theology Academy - https://www.youtube.com/@TheologyAcademy/videos
Virtual Sunday School - https://www.youtube.com/@annunciationorthodox/videos
Living Orthodox - https://www.youtube.com/@living_orthodox/videos
Trisagion Films - https://www.youtube.com/@Trisagionfilms/videos
Gospel Simplicity - https://www.youtube.com/@GospelSimplicity/videos
Ready to Harvest - https://www.youtube.com/@ReadyToHarvest/videos
Walk in Christ [Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel]- https://www.youtube.com/@WalkinChristum/videos
British Movietone - https://www.youtube.com/@BritishMovietone/videos
Holy Trinity Holy Cross GOC - https://www.youtube.com/@holytrinityholycrossgoc220/videos
Orthodox prayers in English - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxchristianchants5006/videos

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