Mexico Cuts Ties With Ecuador; Ukraine Preparing Crimea Bridge Attack | Top Stories | April 6, 2024

5 months ago

Catch up on the Top Stories of the day.

0:00 Mexico cuts diplomatic ties with Ecuador after Jorge Glas arrest
- Mexico is cutting ties with Ecuador after police stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest former Ecuadorian Vice-President Jorge Glas. Glas served as Ecuador's vice-president between 2013 and 2017. He was relieved of his duties because of mounting corruption allegations against him. Later that year he was sentenced to six years in jail in connection with corruption at the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht. Prosecutors said he took 13.5 million dollars in bribes. He was released from prison in November but Ecuadorian authorities then issued another arrest warrant alleging further allegations of corruption, triggering Glas to seek refuge in the Mexican embassy. He has now been flown under police guard to the city of Guayaquil, and is expected to await trial in a maximum security prison.

0:50 Ukraine preparing third attack on Crimean Bridge, reports claim
- Ukraine is preparing a special operation to destroy the Crimean Bridge in the first half of 2024, The Guardian has learned from unnamed high-ranking intelligence officials. The publication said that Ukraine believes it will be able to disable the bridge in the near future. The source added that the intelligence service already has most of the means to carry out this goal. The publication notes that it is currently unclear how the special operation will unfold, as Russia has taken significant measures to protect the bridge by strengthening air defence and deploying a target barge as a decoy for incoming missiles.

1:30 Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration
- Greta Thunberg was detained by police at a demonstration in The Hague, in the Netherlands. The climate activist was put in a bus by local police along with other protesters who tried to block a major highway into the city. Before she was detained, Thunberg said: “We are in a planetary emergency and we are not going to stand by and let people lose their lives and livelihood and be forced to become climate refugees when we can do something.”

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