Next Generation Think Bamboo : Bamboo Seminar in Africa

9 months ago

Short Bamboo Seminar AfricaIn this NEXT GENERATION episode, Jane Glissmann, shares here experiences studying built heritage and architecture in Germany, her impressions and learnings during various exchange programs/on-site seminars, on the African continent. One of the courses she was inscribed at the The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences @HochschuleRheinMain was called Klimagerechtes Bauen - Design build-Climate oriented Construction. This is where they built a bamboo pavilion structure from scratch which was subsequently dismantled and then rebuilt the Unique Bamboo Pavilion for the European Bamboo Expo 2023 in Dortmund, Germany.

Yes, so the seminar started out in Maputo, which is the capital city of Mozambique, and that's where the more theoretical part of the, or the input part of the workshop took place. So we heard lots of talks from different people in the country, like also some who are already having experiences with bamboo.

others who are trying to reinforce bamboo more in different areas. And there were also some people from other countries and other corporations that have also yet had more experience with it. And then we heard lectures of two people who developed a bamboo construction kit in their master thesis. And that's also where then the workshop.

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