🍌Racing with a Banana and Other Shenanigans | Starbase Gameplay🍌

11 months ago

The team over at Starbase Raceway held a test race on their newly finished track and I participated! In this video I show you my banana shaped ship "Chiquita," my race run, some repairs I have to do after the race, a program I developed to make flying in Starbase easier, my view as a gunner during another person's race ( @CommandoDoggo ), and finally my attempt at bringing my ship home which did not go as planned.

Overall, this video showcases a ton of what Starbase has to offer in its current form, community run events, unique ships and detailed repair, the ability to create tools to make the game better, and combat action with detailed damage.

Thank you to all the other participants in the race, to the hosts for running the event, and to you for watching my silly videos. 🍌

Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
00:18 Ship Showcase - "Banana Boat Song" by Harry Belafonte
01:01 My Race
04:11 Better Aim with Mouse (B.A.M) - "Hydro-DIp Different Items" by The CrafsMan
05:30 Event Details - "Ball Socket Montage" by The CrafsMan
06:29 Repairing the Damage - "Twilight Voyage" by Ghostrifter
09:30 Hanging Out + Chase Gunner - "Hydro-DIp Different Items" by The CrafsMan
11:55 Epilogue - "Harsh Love" by Loyalty Freak & "Enigma" by Alex-Productions
15:03 Outro - "Stardust" by Loyalty Freak


"Banana Boat Song (Day-O)"
By @harrybelafonteofficial
Allowed by owner for use on YouTube

"Hydro-Dip Different Items"
By @TheCrafsMan
Used with permission from Crafsmama

"Ball Socket Montage"
By @TheCrafsMan
Used with permission from Crafsmama

Twilight Voyage by Ghostrifter Official | https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/

"Harsh Love" by Loyalty Freak Music

Aggressive Computer Gaming | ENIGMA by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

"Stardust" by Loyalty Freak Music

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