Watch out for narcissistic rage!

10 months ago

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Here's a sample of what you are about to enjoy...

How narcissists show rage

1 Belittlement: remind you of your flaws

Exaggeration; salad-bar thinking
Make you feel unimportant
Invalidation vs affirmation
one in 400 quadrillion

1/20,000 odds of parents meeting
add your grandparents all the way back to Adam and Eve
1 in 10 / 45,000

1 in 10 / 2,685,000 power (universe 10 / 80th power)

2 Accuse others (specific failures)

I am not the cause of your ineptitude

3 Blame shifting (culmination of failures)

I didn't do it

4 Uncooperative

Passive aggressive

5 Live in a self-made reality

King or queen of the universe

6 Dominated by emotions

problems will never solve because they never address the cause

Create truth God complex

Temperment explosion

#narcissism #narcissists #psychopaths

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