Urgent Warning!

11 months ago

On the plus side no globalist or elitists will survive this event. Zuckerberg and all the idiots have fun in your bunker which will be your grave.
Slowly till 2046 shit will get bad.

All bc of the solar cycle. Dont worry this is earths reset button to fix the evil on the planet.

On a collapsing magnetic field elections or voltage is created at 90° . I know this fact

Electrons heat the magma causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

So if anyone wants to stand up and fight tyranny might as well do it. 20yrs left for most ppl at best.

Retirement lol ya why bother getting ready for that. The science dosent lie and its the hidden truth the opposite of what governments and mainstream media says so 100% it is right

Ww should have solar flares this year bad ones that cause earthquakes
Volcanic activities.

If so remember you saw it here.

If the globalist had this knowledge they would depopulate b4 we ran into food issues and huge climate changes

In theory a small population spread out in various areas all over the world in mountains and cave systems would have a higher success rate of survival. The elitists arent strong enough or tough enough to survive btw.

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