A Danish Pur freight gondola in N scale

11 months ago


In 1919 DSB bought a number of German standard freight wagons of the German standard type O 11 those with brake platform got classified as Pur by DSB and those without as class Pu. The wagons had a good loading capacity in relation to their size and could be filled to the tops without any problem, but their short wheelbase made them unsuitable for high-speed freight trains, so they ended up being used for internal transport, ie coal and other service tasks at the roundhouses.

The German type O 11 wagon is manufactured in many variants by Fleischmann In N-scale and by several other manufacturers in other scales. It is a good beginner project for those new to model train construction.
The decals are ordered from skilteskoven.dk in Denmark

There are several companies that make etching sheets and their requirements for your graphic work vary from company to company, most would like to have drawings in vector graphics, but some can do with pixel graphics as well if they are in a high resolution so in principle you can make your drawings in Paint (not that I recommend it)
your drawing must be in scale and you must be able to specify the scale.
I use this company when ordering etchings, they are located in the UK: https://www.ppdltd.com/
They have created a guide in English on how to make their files right when ordering etchings:

I 1919 købte DSB et antal Tyske standard godsvogne af den tyske standard type O 11 dem med bremseplatform fik ved DSB litra Pur og dem uden Pu. Vognene havde i forhold til deres størrelse en god lasteevne og kunne fyldes til toppe uden problem, men deres korte aksel afstand gjorde dem uegnet til hurtiggående godstog, de endte derfor med at blive brugt til interne transporter, altså kul og andre service opgaver ved remisserne.

Den tyske type O 11 vogn fremstilles i mange varianter af Fleischmann I skala N og af flere andre producenter i andre skalaer. Det er et godt begynder projekt til begyndere inden for modeltogsbyggeri.
Påskrifterne er bestilt hos skilteskoven.dk

Der findes flere virksomheder der laver ætseark og deres krav til dit grafiske arbejde variere fra firma til firma, de fleste vil helst have tegninger i vector grafik, men enkelte kan godt tage sig til takke med pixel grafik så i princippet kan du lave dine tegninger i Paint (ikke at jeg anbefaler det)
din tegning skal være i målstok og du skal kunne specificere skalaen
Jeg bruger denne virksomhed når jeg bestiller ætsninger, de ligger i storbritanien: https://www.ppdltd.com/
De har lavet en guide på engelsk til hvordan man laver sine filer rigtigt når man skal bestille ætsninger:

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