Tiny Hats And Excessive Usury

11 months ago


Nobody ever likes compound interest
It’s confusing tiny hat nonsense
When you think you’re caught up on bills
You have more debt than what you started with

Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council?
It was convened by Pope Innocent III
He criticized the perfidious greedy judes
And condemned their excessive usury

It’s a shame that our federal reserve
Has virtually always been run by judes
And who do you think runs those hedge funds?
Well they’re run by the you-know-whos

Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council?
It was convened by Pope Innocent III
He criticized the perfidious greedy judes
And condemned their excessive usury

Which religious group makes the most money?
If you’d guess the tiny hats you’d be correct
They run almost all investment banks
The ones in 2008 left our economy wrecked

Pope Innocent III you were so wise
Why didn’t we listen to you?
Now we’re all debt slaves
Owing all our money to the judes

Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council?
It was convened by Pope Innocent III
He criticized the perfidious greedy judes
And condemned their excessive usury

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