Tango Through the Spice Gauntlet Taking on the Da Bomb Beyond Insanity!

7 months ago

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It's a it's a tango through the spice gauntlet over here And I want to be I'm looking a little Angelina Yeah More Angelina by the way by the way Well if you're feeling that one next one one is this one huh Okay Yeah This is a da bomb beyond insanity Oh where is this from India Kansas City Missouri believe it or not I'm scared Oh my goodness It's masochistic It is masochistic and challenging but I see a strength in you right now Yeah And a focus and a determination I'm determined I can see it I can't talk anymore That's how this goes Wow It keeps going I know I know It keeps getting bigger I know I know I'm right along with you Same wavelength Same wavelength Right Yeah me too What's the trick here There is no trick

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