My Magic Sunshine

11 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"Therefore, do not let your good be slandered, for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

- Romans 14:16-17

When it comes to the physiological well-being of individuals; the field of healthcare is, unfortunately one of the most corrupt in the scientific realm. This is largely due to the excessive amounts of money, invested in the latest health trends. With the healthcare industry being a multi-billion dollar industry, principles often give way to profit-driven motivations; eclipsing the importance of compassion.

Recent revelations about the outbreak and the vested interests of bureaucrats and corporations; have highlighted the prevalence of greed, at the expense of public welfare. This has led to a growing awareness of corruption in the institutions, charged with protecting the health of the population.

Some argue that advocates of "alternative medicine" place a sincere priority on compassionate care. This is just a facade, to create the illusion of "angels of mercy." Within these circles, corruption exists. People who criticize the mainstream medical field, use this criticism to lead people towards their own goals.

A striking example of manipulation in the alternative medicine community, is the widespread belief in the benefits of alkalizing the body. The mention of Dr. Otto Warburg (a Nobel Prize laureate) and his groundbreaking discovery, regarding cancer thriving in acidic environments, is quite common. His remarkable contributions were made in the early 20th century. However, one might ponder - have there been any significant breakthroughs since then?

Over the years, with the progress in medical technology, the prevailing understanding is that at the core of cancer lies an alkaline center, shielded by an acidic shell, to evade detection by the immune system. Advocates for alkaline diets typically cite health conditions that cannot tolerate acidic foods and personal accounts of positive experiences from lifestyle modifications.

Nevertheless, a critical issue with these arguments is that individuals with such conditions are not representative of the general population. If the same logic were applied to individuals that have allergies to specific vitamins; we would have to eliminate those vitamins, due to adverse reactions in those with these abnormal physical conditions.

To further this manipulation; there are many popular health trends, such as consuming apple cider vinegar and lemon juice; which are acidic in nature. However, some alternative health advocates argue that these substances become alkaline when metabolized by the body. Therefore, there is no reason to question the belief of alkalinization still being an important practice to adhere to. The popularity of the consumption of these two popular acidic products can be seen below.

Other means to recognize the fallacy of the importance of alkalization; every person secretes hydrochloric acid in their stomach. It is much more acidic than anything a person can find in food and is very corrosive. Everything that is eaten, is soaked in this solution; making everything acidic.

Anyone who manages to alter their stomach acidity, by consuming alkaline foods; exposes themselves to several physical risks. Among them, poor digestion of food and the resulting inadequate capacity to process nutrients. The poor breakdown of food also adds to the problem of the development of food allergies.

Second, hydrochloric acid serves as a protective barrier against harmful microorganisms. When weakened, it allows harmful bacteria to thrive. Unlike those who promote the alkaline myth (where they have no real evidence for their claims); the medical community deals with these issues regularly.

The elderly are often subject to weak stomach acid production. If this condition is not corrected, all the physical problems mentioned above occur. To correct this problem, doctors recommend hydrochloric acid tablets to their patients. Additional means of recognizing this hoax; a simple examination of vitamins reveals that their technical names generally end with "acid." This inherent acidity should serve as a noteworthy indication that alkalizing the body is not advisable and puts at risk, individuals that would follow unproven or outdated medical theories.

Many alternative health practices rely heavily on anecdotal experiences at the expense of serious scientific research. Like those who sell used cars, they only highlight the positive aspects and never provide data that allows a person to draw their own conclusions.

For instance, the renowned scientist Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize laureate, ardently promoted the consumption of mega-doses of vitamin C. Despite adhering to high vitamin C intake, he eventually succumbed to cancer.

Similarly, the celebrated actor Steve McQueen sought to combat his cancer with vitamin B-17. Unfortunately, upon realizing its ineffectiveness, his cancer had already metastasized, leading to his untimely demise.

When Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, battled cancer, details of his treatment remained undisclosed to the public. However, there were hints that he explored alternative therapies, similar to those used by McQueen, albeit not explicitly stated.

In any profit-generating institution, there is a likelihood of unscrupulous individuals vying for their own gain. Ultimately, it is the consumers who fall prey to the marketing strategies.

It's unfortunate when such occurrences happens in religious settings. In such cases, this type of amalgamation of religion and health often leads to irrational beliefs. For instance, the teachings of Ellen G. White, a co-founder of the Seventh Day Adventist church, advocated against the consumption of fermented foods. Contrary to her views, modern science recognizes fermented foods as highly beneficial.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

- Thomas Jefferson

It is important to understand that exposing the dubious beliefs that exist in the world of alternative health is not intended to prove that the alternative health industry is untrustworthy. Rather, it is to point out that, due to the human condition - avarice; makes it difficult to distinguish what is correct from those who are selling "snake oil."

It is important to be one's own health advocate. A great help to discover the truth, for the proper maintenance of the physiology and biomechanics of these vessels that we possess; follow those who have developed a history of not having an agenda. Where what they shared is not related to monetary gains or political ideologies. That the information have been shared, ends up being consistent and accurate, as opposed to a weak conclusion and thus the individual needs to be avoided.

This brings us to the contentious topic of urine consumption as depicted in the video. Amidst the myriad of life-threatening biological agents, urine emerges as a significant medical option worthy of exploration.

While not officially endorsed by the American medical community, it is essential to note that the American medical sector neither holds a monopoly nor epitomizes the best globally. Even before the pandemic struck, American life expectancy was declining as opposed to remaining stable or increasing, unlike in other parts of the world.

The video showcases scientists endorsing and elucidating the benefits of urine consumption. Beyond the video's content, the practice is purported to offer the possibility of creating personalized vaccines.

For those seeking to detach from entities perpetuating misery and anguish, an alternative approach lies in harnessing a profoundly beneficial resource. Prior to proceeding, it is crucial to be well-informed about key factors associated with this undertaking. There exist risks that necessitate comprehensive comprehension before embarking on this venture.

To guarantee the correct utilization of this substance, Martha Christy's publication "Your Own Perfect Medicine" serves as a valuable guide. As an individual who does not endorse the ideologies related to the term "Woke," I recommend acquiring this book from alternative sources rather than Amazon. Several options have been provided below:

Given the challenges in accessing reliable health information, the provided link offers valuable resources to ensure access to accurate and trustworthy information.

Other resources to consider:

For those who find inspiration from this channel and wish to pay it forward, the most potent form of contribution is through prayer. Receiving prayers lifted up in support of this channel undoubtedly stands as the greatest gift one can receive.

Given the various bureaucrats and their operatives, that support the Woke movement; I will not reveal my identity. However, you can always pray for "the individual running the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know your intentions.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration!

Post Scriptum: In the section labeled "Supplemental Material:" located just below the video post date, view count and provided tags; there is valuable content worth exploring, especially on this channel. This section often contains a wealth of additional information and resources.

You may find it beneficial to peruse this section to gain further insights. The reason for the detailed explanation is to address the varied terminology used by different individuals, which can sometimes make it challenging to locate the desired content.

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