The true face of ilsam

11 months ago

This is an open letter from an Israeli to all non-Muslims in the free world. In India, Europe, Canada, the USA, and other nations throughout the world.

First comes Saturday then comes Sunday.

All of the news you hear about Israel and the horrific jihad attack will be applied to you in the future in exactly the same way. In connection with Islam, we are a similar target simply because we do not share their beliefs. They see you as criminals, just like they see us.

Ofer Binsthok: Jew, Zionist, Israeli.

According to the Qur'an, these are Allah's commands:
Quran 9.5: “...kill the Mushrikûn wherever you find them…"
Quran 9.29: “Fight those who do not believe in Allah..." Quran 8.39: "And fight them until disbelief disappears and the whole religion is for Allah alone..."(for Islam)

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