Creepy Gremlin Voice Prank on My Cat! Scared Her to Bits!

10 months ago

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Yummy Like that Uh like did he eat the liver that So you have a you have a dog you have a cat dog voice and you have a gremlin voice How often do you use that gremlin a lot I love it like when Lupita misbehaves I don't strangle her unlike some people I go So like a crazy person and so you like spook your cat with your Lupita it's mommy That's creepy as f*** Wait why I don't know you just gave me like when I was a kid and I used to watch Chucky vibes and it was really scary Bradley Yeah it's like Chucky vibes You've been a bad boy Yeah like if there's this one scene where he has this like big yardstick and he beats out of a teacher like it's just a bloody we should recreate that No I'll be Chuckie You'd be teaching Oh that's terrifying I'll never forget I was so terrified by Chuckie There's one scene to where he's like he's like I think the kids looking out the school window and Chuckie's like walking up the stairs like that are coming into the school He's like walking up but it's like the little doll just like walking up the stairs medicine Lee I was like this is the scariest thing ever and I remember turning it off

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