395 – Phil Cook – A Flag of Remembrance

10 months ago

I would like to welcome returning guest Phil Cook to Oscar Mike Radio. I met Phil during an Irreverent Warrior’s hike in Nashville, TN.

Phil's unwavering dedication shines through in his efforts to honor fallen soldiers and veterans. Notably, he carried a flag bearing the names of 12 fallen soldiers from the 101st Second Brigade during the Baton Death March at White Sands Missile Range.

Beyond this, Phil crafts cedar challenge coins, gift boxes, and hope chests, serving as enduring symbols of honor for Gold Star families. His significant creation, a unique 9/11 flag adorned with patches from various units nationwide, symbolizes unity and remembrance.

Stemming from his personal experiences and military service, this flag educates others about 9/11, ensuring the sacrifices are remembered.
As the 25th anniversary of 9/11 nears, the flag will permanently reside at Fort Campbell, solidifying Phil's legacy of remembrance. His journey from photography to woodworking, culminating in the 9/11 flag project, showcases the profound impact of individual dedication on collective memory.

You can check out Phil’s work in photography by going to https://www.customportraitsbyphilip.com/.

Thank you Phill, for talking with me!

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