Kalergi Plan & The Real Agenda Behind the EU.

6 months ago

A great documentary on the real purpose of the EU and its founder, Count Richard Von Coudenhove Kalergi, one of the earlier henchmen of the Rothschilds before Soros, BlackRock, B'nai B'rith (ADL)....
a person once Hitler described as a 'Cosmopolitan Bastard' make of that whatever you will, that agenda didn't stop with the advent of multiculturalism, cultural Marxism, wokeism, removal of national borders, mass illegal immigration, the slow erasure of democratic sovereignty (worldwide) and flags that once represented nation states now giving way to flags representing various genders instead. We're not to be defined by nationality or faith but by one of the new multi-culti-genders that were invented overnight - just create a Wiki page and you'll probably receive a grant from one of the many fake NGO's run by the Globalist cabal. There's even a flag for sex workers:-


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