JFK Assassination: Doctors Prove Conspiracy With New Forensic Evidence

5 months ago

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, Andrew Muller, Liberty Sentinel chief of operations, interviews Dr. David Mantik and Dr. Jerome Corsi, the authors of the new book, "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis." 

Dr. David Mantik, who holds his PhD in physics from the University of Wisconsin and completed his internship and residency in radiation oncology at LAC/USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, can prove, with optical density measurements, that JFK was shot twice in the front of the skull, which destroys the government's Warren Report narrative of one shooter from behind.

Mantik has taken thousands of optical density measurements from the three remaining JFK skull X-rays in the National Archives that prove all three are forgeries: two of them were altered to mask an exit wound in the right rear of JFK’s head, and one of them has had a fraudulent “bullet fragment” added to the image in an attempt to incriminate the accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. In his nine visits to the National Archives, Dr. Mantik has examined the JFK assassination materials more than anyone else.

Dr. Jerome Corsi, the author of over thirty books on economics, history, and politics, including six New York Times bestsellers, two of which are at number one, says JFK was taken out by dark actors from within the U.S. Deep State for seeking peace over perpetual war.

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