The Key to a Successful Relationship Loyalty and Support

10 months ago

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You as a guy what do you think you need most in a relationship in order for it to be successful Like what do you need from your partner man or woman Loyalty which I guess is respect respect and loyalty I agree Yeah It's almost like it's weird because it's like I don't want to say like it's but someone who's like kind of like not an assistant but someone who could be like hey weren't you supposed to do this I was going to say that you need someone that's reminding you of things Yeah But like because my mind is so scattered up like so many places someone who's like yo remember this Because I've noticed for me it's hard in relationships to like plan sort of like personal time in my relationships because all my time is planned for like other things that are not personal that are like work business So if I had someone that was like oh hey like we're you know for example we're going to go on this trip All right cool Can you help me organize that Like I don't have a problem paying for it Help me organize it Let's go do it You know and then I can make sure that I have the time to do it Yeah And then someone reminds oh by the way don't forget this but little like little things like I don't need much else other than someone You know what's good about you and your position is that at least you're on kind of your own time Like you're your own boss You know you can you can do that There's some people that are just like are busy but they're on someone else's time which makes it harder for them to make the time for Yeah for the other person Yeah It's tough though too because you get if you get to a certain point in business you are on your own time But sometimes your own time has twenty four seven and has to be consumed making sure other people are on their time Yeah Which is it's a weird caveat of like you're on your own time but you're also not all the time because you have to make sure other people are on their time Right Which is like then you're on their time Yeah It's just a weird thing But that's just the name of the game as well Yeah So you're crushing it I'm doing good man You know it's like I can't complain Yeah I'm that guy Yeah you are you are him It's funny Okay I'm not what are you Dude I just want to fidget so bad Let's not fidget We're gonna practice that but what you do need is a manicure I know I do Okay I just said that before you said that weird That was crazy That was crazy God this is something we got to talk about though is age Okay and and time And I said it earlier but I want to repeat this again You watching this podcast you don't have as much time as you think you do And I'm not just saying in regards to like people in your life and like spending time with your family

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