Letting Go and Moving Forward Release the Hold and Embrace a New Beginning

9 months ago

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Interesting You got a magic lamp You rubbed it a genie came out Um Well funny enough I think it goes back to the thing we said earlier I wish that I could keep all my lessons but completely let go of the hold that I have moving forward You know what I'm saying Still know what I know still have learned from all these mistakes and all these interactions and all this business and friendships love and be able to like wash away the pain Not the pain but because the pain is good the hold that I have to not hold myself to that anymore Like to just like let it go Like to just fully let it go so that I can go forward without being like that person is going to me this person is going to me And then like we were talking earlier because I do believe the more you hold onto that the more inadvertently you're bringing that into your life without trying to you just are because you're Oh someone's going to do this to me It's like you almost make it happen Exactly So I know that And I wish that I could just completely let go of that But I know that's you know it's not a realistic wish

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