The Workers Party of Britain will candidates be all The Friends of Israel MP

5 months ago

Three of our brave soldiers had to die at the hands of Israel for our government and our Talking Heads in the media to start looking at what Israel has been doing for the last six months which is killing people without any regard or recourse or accountability for their actions.

All of this has happened because they’ve been given political cover by the @UKLabour Party and the @Conservatives Party or as I like to call them The #Uniparty.

I have watched with abject horror as one massacre after another takes place and I’m saying to myself right this is the one, the attacking of the hospital will be the one where this government of ours will hold Israel to account.

No such thing happened.

I watched universities and Mosques and schools get destroyed. I said to myself these are places of worship and education. My government is going to do something now.

No such thing happened.

Then I saw the numbers of tens of thousands of men women and children be murdered wholesale by missile, sniper, bomb, tank shell, And I said to myself my government is going to finally do something now.

No such thing happened.

Then a man-made famine created by Israel was forced upon 2.2 million people and I said to myself the pictures that I’m seeing of kids with the skin stretched over bone that looked like prisoners in Auschwitz is going move the heart of my government.

No such thing Happened.

And the reason it hasn’t happened, I’ve discovered it’s because of the influence of the Labour friends of Israel and the Conservative Friend of Israel this lobby much like it’s American version @AIPAC & @ADL has such a powerful grip over our government and those people who seek power with their obedience in mind is now a controlling factor and our United Kingdom government.

It is become obvious to me that we are a captured state of Israel. my country Great Britain would never ever have stood by and allowed Russia or any other belligerent in the war do what Israel has done and said these words “Israel has the right to defend itself” and be given the nod or not fully sanctioned.

This is why I’ve made this video as a declaration that we shall be standing against every Member of Parliament that is a friend of Israel as the @WorkersPartyGB party no matter where they are in London we will field candidates against them.

You will never find a member of the Workers Party of Britain ever be a the Friends of Israel because if they were they would be complicit in genocide, be a part ethnic cleansing, famine and the mass slaughter and massacre of kids journalists, health workers, aid workers, and any other kind of worker that was not working for Israel.

These are political choices that every single Member Of Parliament has made when they have given permission to Israel to do as it will without asking for a ceasefire.

I know it’s a long video, watch it to the end and please help us organise to do something about this corrupt politics at the heart of our country which needs to be cast out and replaced by good honest people with the political conscience.

I have taken my lead from the inspirational speech from party leader @georgegalloway today who said that every single Labour friend of Israel in Manchester will have a Workers party candidate running against them.

London will do no less.

“This is for Gaza”

#StandWithGalloway #IntegrityInPolitics
#PrinciplesOverPopularity #HumanityFirst
#PoliticalConsistency #VoiceForTheVoiceless
#WorkersPartyGB #SolidarityOverSelf

The #Uniparty needs to get in the bin.

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