David Icke's disinformation on 9/11

7 months ago

From Richard D. Hall: https://www.richplanet.net/

Many people ask me, "What is your opinion of David Icke?".

Today's show addresses this question. Putting the reptilian subject aside for one moment, David Icke has worked tirelessly over the last 25 years helping to expose the hidden agendas of those who really hold power in the world.

His written work on these subjects extends to 19 books which cover many subjects we have delved into on Richplanet TV.

Secret societies, intelligence agencies, mind control, hidden technology, hidden history and the puppet show politics which masks the real agendas.

David Icke has also written about 9/11 and incredibly realised the event was a set up on the day it happened - and then wrote a book about it.

Probably one of the first books to question the official 9/11 narrative.

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