The Coming Bird Flu Pandemic-NOW THE END BEGINS-APRIL 5 2024

11 months ago

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the news headlines are screaming a lot of things these days, war between Israel and Hamas, Israel and Iran, the 'path of totality' of the solar eclipse on Monday, the release of the new movie 'Civil War' a few days after that, and oh, one more thing, bird flu is shaping up to be the next pandemic. That's right, bird flu, or more accurately, songbird flu. If you're waiting for the 'powers that be' to slow down a little bit, maybe give you a little break so you can catch your end times breath, that's not gonna happen. I was in the barber shop yesterday getting my haircut, and the everyday casual conversation sounds just like the deepest conspiracy theory of ten years ago. It has settled into public consciousness, and everyone knows what's going on, even if they don't know what time it is from a biblical perspective. Today we bring you the latest on the (coming?) Bird Flu pandemic, breaking news on Israel and Iran, and what Donald Trump is looking at over the next 7 months.

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