Rajiv Malhotra shakes up British Parliament on the two Revolutions

9 months ago

Rajiv Malhotra explained the two major disruptive forces changing the world order. The first one is Artificial Intelligence. This is bringing a whole new industrial revolution that will disrupt the present equilibriums at local, national and international levels. The second is the new variety of Social Justice popularly known as Wokeism, a disguised form of Marxism. This is threatening meritocracy in the name or reparations for past oppressions of certain communities, as well as censoring free speech as a form of reverse discrimination. In the process, it is undermining democracies including the USA, India, Britain and others. Most importantly, Malhotra explained how Wokeism is the ideological bias in many AI-based social and political systems that are emerging. This event was hosted by Bob Blackman, Member of Parliament from the Conservative Party (which is the ruling party presently). The audience consisted of MPs as well as other elected officials at other levels of the British political system. This was the second time in recent years that Rajiv Malhotra addressed the British Parliament.

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