Why I Take 100+ Pills Every Day - Bryan Johnson

11 months ago

As part of my Blueprint anti-aging protocol, I take 100+ pills every day. The goal is to achieve ideal health. Blueprint is built upon over 200 science backed protocols.

In this video I’ll show you some of the supplements I take, why I take them, and answer common questions.

Remember, this protocol is based on regular measurements. The optimal protocol for you may differ. Always consult your doctor before making any changes.

🔬Blueprint Protocol: https://protocol.bryanjohnson.co/
🫒 Blueprint Olive Oil: https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.com/

I’ve invested millions of dollars building the world’s leading anti-aging protocol, becoming the most measured human in history. Blueprint is an algorithm, built by science, that takes better care of me than I can myself.
And it’s available to you for free. Check out the Blueprint website for recipes, exercise, and other protocols. Become the next evolution of human.
You can find everything here: https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.co/

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