i know i can be arrogant about flip phone life *plz forgive me

10 months ago

i feel like such a failure most of the time
when Truth comes spewing out it makes all the other shit worth it
patience is not just a virtue, it will be a currency
people really have settled
society is so used to shit that they can't even conceptualize what sumin better might look like
how can people know what's best for themselves
yawl know my grievances w/ the sheep
it doesn't make sense to gloat about what you know cos you can always know more
i still have brain food that i produce
i push everyone away so i can go talk to myself
you don't have to tell me that it's toxic
i say to my "disease" : thank you, more please
i'll take this disease over the world any day
i don't mind being sick
i dunno how to not have it
i love my black side, not discounting my white side
i always trip over my words, esp on stage
eloquence is not my forte, i'm all over many places
what the fuck is this "art"
if i didn't allow it to be crap, i wouldn't be true to it
plenty of muck to get to the goldmine

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