🍀 IMMORTALITY | Project Blueprint | The Predictable Engineering | ATOM MOLECULES ORGANISMS

9 months ago

At Blueprint, we've researched and evaluated hundreds of anti-aging therapies. Recently, we had a bold idea: what if my father, son and I performed the world's first multi-generational plasma exchange? Plasma is the yellowish, liquid part of your blood. There is emerging evidence that plasma exchange may offer several health benefits. Nervous but excited, we traveled to a transfusion center in Dallas, Texas, to make it happen.

Bryan Johnson is the world's most measured human. Johnson sold his company, Braintree Venmo, to PayPal for $800m in 2013. Through his Project Blueprint, Johnson has achieved metabolic health equal to the top 1.5% of 18 year olds, inflammation 66% lower than the average 10 year old, and reduced his speed of aging by the equivalent of 31 years.

Johnson freely shares his protocols and data publicly for everyone to use. Project Blueprint, is an endeavor to achieve humanity and earth scale cooperation starting within Self.

Johnson is also the founder of Kernel, creator of the world’s first mainstream non-invasive neuroimaging system; and OS Fund, where he invested $100M in the predictable engineering of atoms, molecules, and organisms. He is an outdoor adventure enthusiast, pilot, and author of children’s books, Code 7 and The Proto

Blueprint Protocol: https://protocol.bryanjohnson.co
🫒 Blueprint Olive Oil: https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.com/?utm_medium=product_shelf&utm_source=youtube&utm_content=YT-ANKptbA9TZUSIZU3sbhEz-h13ZPSGGTQyrLkfSINzWyo1NBWGKLClg4yMZ8qDocsIyL9dGGB2w7kVAccfWoW1Axk3SZIQ2IXDrhAXshwT4JD01SpW4Y6bpTSUnR8iFO69Gq5jkht2TayJE8jlkiXtb5elS3BpsyPdevCcunN4S81Xy4710qPm2E=

I’ve invested millions of dollars building the world’s leading anti-aging protocol, becoming the most measured human in history. Blueprint is an algorithm, built by science, that takes better care of me than I can myself.

And it’s available to you for free. Check out the Blueprint website for recipes, exercise, and other protocols. Become the next evolution of human.

You can find everything here: https://blueprint.bryanjohnson.co

Follow Bryan Johnson
Website: https://bryanjohnson.com/
Twitter X: https://twitter.com/bryan_johnson
YouTube: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/channel/UCnRVL1-HJnXWB_Xi2dAoTcg

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