4.5.2024 - Groovy Jimmy EWYK - Friday night Gr52ve shit, we gotta take care of some business tonight

10 months ago

Jimmy bans Marx from the stream for putting his 'gangsta podcast episodes' in jeopardy - he is miffed that his last stream was taken down. however, it was taken down by HBO for copyright. William Gloryhole joins the panel and tells Jimmy he needs to stop blocking everyone like a bitch. Truthfinder and Tony go back and forth. Jimmy says he's gonna 'boil some water to eat a brick', which turns out to be a brick of ramen noodles. He admits that Goodwill only hires "retards, retirees, and mf's fresh outta jail" - he is not retired and he hasnt been to jail, you do the math. He also admits hes a clout chaser,

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