The Nowman Show: Viva Kennedy! RFK, Jr. At Union Station and Saban Theater in Los Angeles

10 months ago

This is the episode of The Nowman Show showcasing Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who is now the candidate for We The People Party in the 2024 Election. He spoke on Cesar Chavez Day March 30th, 2024 at an event in downtown Los Angeles called 'Viva Kennedy and this episode includes highlights. He talks about Cesar Chavez's role in the farm labor movement, the actual state of the current economy and what that means for a shrinking middle class, suing government regulatory agencies in his career as an environmental attorney, how he will be a spoiler and take votes away from both Biden and Trump, and more.
The episode also includes my question to Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills in August 2023. Kennedy has the highest favorability ratings of all of the candidates running so far including Joe Biden and Donald Trump, according to a Harvard/Harris poll last summer.
#robertfkennedyjr #denniskucinich #kennedy2024 @RobertKennedyJr
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