April 5, 2024 911 emergency system! New mexico One more cycle around the earth! Waxing moon April 9 2024 Beauty & the beast(Rose). Pennsylvania Keystone state (escape animal) & Public zoo.

11 months ago

this video is for entertainment purposes only if it happens it happens.energy can extend out two weeks to two months

Cumonolumous cloud/ weather thunderstorms coming in in about a week or so!

California...Gulf of mexico. climate change
after shocks (earthquakes)

level1-2 &4
earth and saturns moon final cycle
solar eclipse april8 2024
north and south with tempertures
shell on oceans floor..
deer or forest animal activity
Ore...something profitable witht he shell floor?
plates are shifting one after the other...
hologram moon
something gone is disrupting....shifts
atmospheric depletion within our physical homes and outside our homes....
waxing moon....sun lit portion is getting larger (April 9 2024)
not the end of the world but a crucial time
hot lava higher than aa.....takes shape of a rope like form....hohova lava

tornado is hitting the ground soon
alantic ocean and a split..... whats going to fill the space (contour line) connect the dots
saturn ring & Venus (these are on opposite sides of each other
engagement for some people for others something with a ring/ work toward love
figuring out your passions at this time
who else or entities leave on the gaseous planet saturn?
they are replacing the moon for a hologram
hubba space telescope.....capture something due to the moon!
comet showing up....
liberty bell....newyork?
nevada:oct 31, silver,dam,mountain state?

oregan: 33,feb. 14 2024, sale, grapes,dam? photograph, jesus, christ consiousness

pennsylvania:father,mountains,hershy chocolate info?, us.constitution, dec12, key..stone state, public zoo....escape animal will get out soon...,
california earthquakes showing up.....
nebraska: marble cave?lincoln,march1,garden, desert, 911 emergency communication system, koolaid
new mexico....enchantment, testing a missile? balloons?nuclear energy testing, many sheep
DC :rose beaty and the beast, culture,
maryland: md (doctor) ,april 28, 7, susan, freedom (important location)...shells, lincoln, navals
georgia: 4, jan 2, cherokee rose, headaches,
indiana(underground railroad, last breath,
someone may be name rose, recieve roses
if experience headaches lately its due to the environmental changes spiritual
april 8 2024...introduction to the mark of the beast the anti christ!

dream job
newyork..ellis island...imigrants key entry point, apple
mississippi...lung and heart....takes breath away, dec 11, 9,

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