April 5, 2024 Level 4 hurricane coming in it was at level 1 in feb. 2024/Butterflys and final stages & understanding your calling/ passion now! Portal is open. Alantic divide & Rise! Year: Red dragon

11 months ago

this video is for entertainment purposes only! if it happens it happens!energy can extend out two weeks to two months!

recycling back...moon
goal...last cycle
february 14 2024
royal family tree
message worth alot!
incoming huricane!!!! share share share....10

portal has open.....its level one back in february 2024
year of red dragon element wood
books/calling/askakic records
teeth small group getting teeth done dealing with braces
being set free for some and others stuck in a cage because they lack the key to do so mentally/spiritually being stuck in a sleepy state
3:45, 6:30/11/6:00/4
crown,throat,3rd eye chakra
vetinarian take dog to be check someone dog has a heart issue for a specific person
judgement day
passions come to life today
traffic ticket some has to see a judge
did someone run a stop sign on bus and license was involved
something is coming into this plane today.
painting last supper...
chosen ones you have been train for this
something global is happening and its tied to the moon!
have you been seeing alot of butterflys lately?
stay hydrated
coming out of a cacoon
something about seeds!.....something about doubles
devine twos/pairs
feb-march 2024 was about healing
alantic ocean is dividing
2-4 things
get ready!
chosen more incoming messages
it is now time to see the reason for the mission God has for you chosen ones!
Level 4....

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